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Dog Walker at the Park

Learn About Fostering

AFD Responsibilities
  • Paying for medical care. All medical care will be covered by IDOHR if provided by an approved AFD hospital or clinic.

  • Basic necessities, if needed. AFD can provide food, bed, collars, leashes, belly bands, diapers.

  • Prior approval of any medical care and purchases made for your AFD foster will be needed in order for reimbursement. Please contact an AFD mentor.

Foster Responsibilities
  • Providing daily mental and physical exercise suitable to the needs of your foster dog.

  • Providing a safe, quiet environment free of stress.

  • As a foster you are agreeing to keep your foster dog indoors while away from the home and to limit crate time to 4 hours or less in any 24 hour period. 

  • As a foster you are agreeing to allow your foster dog to sleep indoors, the use of a crate or x-pen for sleeping purposed is acceptable.

  • Administering any medications prescribed by a veterinarian.

  • Transporting your dog to veterinarian appointments if necessary. Assistance will be provided for those that do not have transportation.

  • Transporting your dog to at least two AFD Outreach events each month. Assistance will be provided for those who do not have transportation.

  • Meeting with potential adopters and providing them with information about your current foster dog.

  • Completing a 48-hour post-adoption follow-up with new adopters.

  • Weekly check-in with AFD regarding the status of your current foster dog.

  • Promoting yourAFD dog in a positive manner to the public and providing honest information to those who inquire about your AFD dog.

  • If medical treatment is needed, going to one of AFD’s approved veterinarian clinics and hospitals. Other arrangements can be made if approved by AFD prior to treatment.

  • Communicating any behavior or medical problems to an AFD mentor immediately and providing weekly status updates.

  • If at any time, you feel that you cannot properly care for your AFD dog, you must give AFD  at least 10 days notice before returning the dog.

  • The foster agrees that the dog remains under the jurisdiction of AFD and can not be abandoned, sold or given to a shelter, retail establishment or research institution.

  • The foster understands that AFD has the right to remove the foster dog from the foster home at any time. 

  • The foster understands they cannot foster any dogs that are not an AFD dog.  It is AFD's the responsibility to ensure the safety and health of all foster dogs belonging to IDOHR and cannot ensure their safety if strays or other non-AFD fosters are brought into the foster home.


Why we need fosters


The foundation of AMORE FOR DOGS (AFD)  operation is in our foster homes, where rescued dogs get love and comfort while waiting for adoption. Shelters often have very short time spans – sometimes as little as a few days – before an unadopted dog is slated for euthanasia. AFD’s goal is to rescue these dogs from that fate. The more foster homes we have, the more dogs we can save.


How does fostering work?

Fostering provides a temporary home for a rescued dog until a permanent “forever” home can be found. It also provides time for a dog to adjust or re-adjust to living in a home, and to learn socialization and good manners. For some dogs, the foster home also provides time to recover from an illness or medical procedure before he or she can be made available for adoption.


What foster parents do?

As a foster parent, you’ll be responsible for the basic daily care for your friend in your home. In other words, your job is to shower him with the love and attention he needs to prepare him for adoption into a permanent home. We will pick up the cost of any medical expenses and, in some cases, the cost of food and supplies. You’ll be asked to bring your foster dog to adoption outreach events and medical appointments, and to introduce him/her to people who are interested in adoption.

Before taking your first foster dog home, you’ll be assigned to a AFD mentor, who will guide you through the program and help with any problems you may encounter.

How long will a foster dog stay in my care?

Time in a foster home can range from several days to several months. We’ll be able to give you a better estimate for your dog before you take him/her home.



If you’re in the ORANGE COUNTY ,CA area and would like to join the AFD Family of foster parents, please fill out the foster application below. Thank you! 

Foster Application

Your answers to these questions won't determine whether or not you'd make a good foster parent. They will, however, help us determine what kind of dog would be appropriate for you to foster. Our foster homes are the foundation of AFD, and we want you and your dog to have a successful experience. Contact us with any questions you have about filling out this application. Thank you - from all of us and all our dogs!

Applicant Information
Full Name *
Address *
Age *
Email *
Phone Number (Home)
Phone Number (Cell) *
Phone Number (Work) *
Applicant Information
Do you live in a: *
Do you: *
If renting, please indicate landlord contact information
Describe the activity level in your home
Please list all people living in the household (include name, relationship, gender and age) *
Does anyone in your household have allergies to animals?
Are all members of your family agreeable to fostering a dog?
Please list any pets you have living or deceased (please include name, breed, age, altered, sex, UTD vaccines, heartworm, living/deceased)
Would you be willing to have a AFD team member call your veterinarian for a reference check? (Please authorize vet to speak with us)
Veterinarian Name
Phone Number
Do you have a preference in the sex of foster?
Are you willing to foster a dog of any age?
If not, what age would you consider?
Are you willing to litters?
What size dog are you willing to foster? (Check all that apply) *
Please describe the type of dog you are willing to foster (include breed, coat length, personality traits, energy level, hypoallergenic). We always want to make sure we have the best fit for our foster homes. *
Are you willing to to take your foster dog to vet appointments at a convenient time for you?
If no please explain
Are you willing and able to medicate your foster, even if it is just a monthly heartworm preventative?
We cannot guarantee a dog to be housebroken, are you equipped to train with love and patience?
Have you had any experience with an emotionally or physically neglected or abused dog?
If yes please explain
Are you willing to use a crate for a dog if recommended?
Do you have a fenced yard?
If fenced, please give details on height, material, number of gates and are gates locked or lockable?
How many hours in a day would the foster be left alone? *
What are your plans to exercise your foster? Please list any parks near by or trails, how many walks a day, approximate length and activities such as agility *

I certify that, to the best of my knowledge, the information provided in this application is true and complete. I recognize that any misrepresentation of that information will result in my losing the privilege of fostering a rescued dog from AFD. I understand that AFD has the right to deny my request to foster a dog, and I authorize checking all information provided in this application.

I agree to provide a Amore for Dogs representative access to my home and property for a home inspection before my application to foster is approved.

I agree to provide my foster animal with veterinary care as authorized by Amore for Dogs. I will not arrange or pay for any elective veterinary care for my foster animal without the express consent of an authorized Amore for Dogs representative.

I understand that I may only have my foster animal temporarily.

I agree that I am fostering this animal for Amore for Dogs and that I do not have any right of ownership over my foster animal. I further agree that Amore for Dogs rights to my foster animal are superior to mine. I also agree to provide an Amore for Dogs representative access to my home and property to check on my foster animal, at any time that I am in possession of my foster animal.

I have read this application in its entirety, and I agree that all statements and agreements contained in this document are made by me and are truthful, under penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of California.

Thanks for submitting your application!

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